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ICONA ILGS - 306B Table Top Auto Gas Cooker - 3 Burner Black/Blue

Sold by: NGASHOP

ICONA ILGS - 306B Table Top Auto Gas Cooker - 3 Burner Black/Blue

Key features
  • Number of Burner: 3 Gas Burner
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Adjustable Knobs
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Ghc 120.00
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Upgrade to the kitchen of your dream with this 3 Burner Gas Cooker. Beautifully crafted with maximum safety standard,style and high performance under the best European specifications. 3 Burner Gas Cooker can be installed in any part of the kitchen, which makes for flexible working spaces and transforming your kitchen into a unique distinctive environment with the following amazing features.


  • Cooker Type: Gas Cooker
  • Number of Burner: 3
  • Adjustable Knobs
  • Easy Set up
  • Compact and Stylish
Key features
  • Number of Burner: 3 Gas Burner
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Adjustable Knobs
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Weight (kg):4.5

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