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Showing posts with label Barbershop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbershop. Show all posts

UV Sterilizer - Germix

UV Sterilizer - Germix
Model: SM 504

Sold by: NGASHOP Mall
GH₵ 200.00
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The UV Sterilising Unit is ideal for keeping everyday items such as glasses, phones, keys, cosmetics, and other small items free from bacteria. Simply place the items inside, turn on the switch and allow to work for 30 minutes.

Model: SM-504
Description: High boron ultraviolet lamp
Voltage: 220 V 50Hz
Power: 8W
Wavelength: 185nm
Working Temperature (220V): Max: 60„ƒ, Min: 10„ƒ
Operating Humidity: >60%
Bulb Life: 6,000 Hours

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