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Laugh Clinic has gotten to the moment where it has to recognize its heroes. There's a saying that a generation which does not recognize it's heroes...... (Masa complete it, am not proverbs)

Thank you for reading, these are they, so learn about them before u vote 😂 😂

Ngashop, founder and CEO of NGASHOP Group of Companies. He has been nominated for 4 Categories out of the 5. He is one in a million, he always finds a way to revive the group chat when it's too boring or calm, he always prunes the inactive members from the group to ensure the active members survive. He is always proposing and taking bounces 0in the group, I bet you, if he was case 4 by now 3nka w'ablo ti s3 balooo
You can call him on 0546760071 0r 0501625962

VOTE FOR Ngashop with this codes
1. Most Popular Person... MPP4
2. Best Admin... BA1
3. Ladies' Man... LM2
4. Most Funniest Person... MFP3

Portia Bimah, one of the iconic ladies of the group, I remember the first time she sent her picture into the group, every guy was like wow, wow, pm me wai. I nearly said same but I didn't fall for her and am serious about it 😉. She is a lady who makes the guys active once she comments on anything. She is so lovely and attractive 😍
You can reach her on +233 55 952 6420

VOTE FOR PORTIA with this code
1. Most Admired Lady.... MAL2

Millicent Kese, popularly known as Akosua Maslow, this lady can cause havoc in the group with her presence. Ever since she joined some guys became group PROs by force, she is like a steering wheel that moves the group in any direction she wants. She has so many crushes in the group except me, Flegzy is a victim though. 
You can reach her on +233 55 379 4622

VOTE FOR AKOSUA with this code
1. Most Admired Lady.... MAL1

Flegzy, always flegzing about the group with jokes. This guy is what we call commando, he is the chief adjutant of the group, always creating and posting jokes up and up (u tut I was going to say up and down 😂 😂). He is one of the first members of the group... Initial the group was named Kpandai Laughs until strangers found their way in the group then I was forced to change it to Laugh Clinic which has stayed till now. I bet you this guy has been there ever since and posting comments till now and no fail. Very soon he is going to be paid sallaly for his work(i didn't say salary ooo, Sallaly is my antie's name, so I would pay him with my antie, simple).
You can reach Flegzy on +233 54 350 0963

 VOTE FOR Flegzy with this codes
1. Most Popular Person... MPP1
2. Most Funniest Person... MFP1

Wandy Boi, the group Imam, this guy always like to take my girls from me in the group but I always remove him when he is about to succeed. He is abusing his Godgiven handsomeness. He has a very interesting and hospice personality, always active and contributing in the group. He comments most especially on ladies post, he is Wandy Boi and popularly known as Baba, vice versa 😂  He is the most interesting and active members since the group started. 
Reach Wandy Boi on +233 24 882 2241

VOTE FOR WANDY BOI with this codes
1. Most Popular Person... MPP2

KingShadi, our group Pastor, always active 24/7. KingShadi joined the group just recently but his participation has made him so popular that he got 4 nominations out of 5. He is one in a million too, he loves God and uses comedy to refreshen himself and it has also made him a comedian.
Reach KingShadi on +233 50 750 3809

VOTE FOR KingShadi with this codes
1. Most Popular Person... MPP3
2. Best Admin... BA2
3. Ladies' Man... LM1
4. Most Funniest Person... MFP2

Suzzy, sexiest lady in the group, always flatter the members with her comments. Her beauty is so confusing such that you may this she is an angel who lost her way home. An old member who is now active more than ever (thanks to qtine). She so lovely and funny to be with, Pm me for her contact, the one am posting is fake so take note 😂 😂 
Reach Suzzy on +233 55 470 7836

VOTE FOR Suzzy with this code
1. Most Admired Lady.... MAL3
2. Most Funniest Person... MFP3


1. Flegzy... MPP1
2. Wandy Boi... MPP2
3. KingShadi... MPP3
4. Ngashop... MPP4

1. Ngashop... BA1
2. KingShadi... BA2

1. KingShadi... LM1
2. Ngashop... LM2

1. Akosua... MAL1
2. Portia... MAL2
3. Suzzy...  MAL3

1. Flegzy... MFP1
2. KingShadi... MFP2
3. Suzzy... MFP3

Just mention their codes in the comments box below or click here to vote

LAUGH CLINIC After you finally arrive at Sokode 😂😂😂

Uploaded by NGASHOP 
Esther #WhatsApp 


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