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Public Release


The SRC of the school released a letter dated 29th of December, 2020, with reference number as UHAS/SRC/SP/011, affirming the accuracy of the reopening date of the school. It has it that;

1. Clinical year student of School of Medicine report on January 4, 2021.

2. All regular freshers report on January 9, 2021.

3. Other regular continuing students reporton January 16, 2021.

This has been confirmed to be the actual reporting date for all regular freshers and continuing students of UHAS.
Get the detailed 2020/2021 academic year calendar. Click Here

UHAS Reopening Date 18th?

Breaking News

There's has been some speculations about the reopening date for the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho. But unfortunately the school authorities has not come openly to declare January 18th has the reopening. For that matter, January 18th is just an assumption by some groups of people trying to create panic in the students.

We therefore advise the public to verify any information before making it viral.

January 18th had not yet been confirmed by the school authorities, so UHAS students should enjoy their Christmas with one mind.

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 The University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho has finally released it's admission list.

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